Special education needs explained
Students can encounter difficulties at any stage in their learning career.
If your child has more difficulties than most, with aspects of their learning, communication or behaviour, they are likely to benefit from additional support in school. This will enable them to access the curriculum at their level. This is achieved via a combination of extra support within lessons and some withdrawal on occasions.
Students are identified on the school’s support list so that provision to meet their needs can be planned for. There is no need to be concerned about your child being identified with SEN. The school’s support list is a record of which students require additional support. This list enables the Special Educational Needs & Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo) to provide an appropriate allocation of resources. This may involve external agencies such as an Educational Psychologist, Specialist Advisors, Outreach Support Workers or Speech & Language Therapist.
I am concerned. Who should I talk to?
First, contact your daughter’s tutor. If the concern relates to progress in a particular subject or academic progress in general, the subject teacher or the Director of Learning can be contacted, via the School Office (020 8748 7600). All messages will be passed on to the appropriate member of staff, who will in turn contact you within 48-hours.
Alternatively, contact the SENDCo, Ms M Fraser via the following email;
Curriculum Access Policy and Send Report
Our current Curriculum Access Policy and SEND Report can also be found in the policy section of this website