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Policies and Reports

Our primary purpose is the advancement of education of all pupils, regardless of background or ethnicity. The Sacred Heart philosophy, ethos and traditions are enshrined in our Mission Statement, which in turn confirms the high expectations for all members of the School community.  It is the responsibility of all members of the School community to take swift and appropriate action when relationships within our community do not reflect these ideals.  Policies are reviewed regularly by Governors and the Senior Leadership Team and updated to ensure an appropriate course of action is available if required.

Our policies and reports are available for the whole school community. If you would like further information or would like to know our policy on something that is not listed, please contact the school office.  

Please address requests for copies to the school office

Equality Plan and Annual Equality Statement

Teacher Assessed Grades - 2021 

Remote Learning - 2021

Section 48 Diocesan Inspection 2020

Pupil Premium (& Catch Up Premium) Strategy Statement 2023-24