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Attendance & Punctuality

School/Parent Partnership:

As a school we rely on the cooperation of parents to support excellent attendance.  We want to support you and work with you to ensure that your child's attendance and punctuality are as good as they can be.  

Research shows that there is a clear link between 'attendance and punctuality' and student attainment.  The school's minimum attendance target for each student is 96%.

Attendance Percentage Approximate Days Missed
100% 0
95% 10
90% 20
85% 30
80% 40
Impact of attendance on Pupil Attainment:
  • Attendance of 96% and above can secure maximum attainment,
  • 17 missed school days in one year can mean that pupils can drop a whole GCSE grade,
  • Attendance that falls below 80% can mean a pupil is over 50% less likely to achieve 5 plus GCSE grades A*-C.
Keeping Parents informed of statistics

The school routinely reviews the attendance and punctuality of every student on a half-termly basis and issues standard letters to parents when certain trigger points have been reached in terms of attendance, any unexplained absences and punctuality, see trigger points later below.  These attendance letters are issued even if both you as parents and carers, and the school, are well aware of the reason for the absence which could be very legitimate.  The letters are issued simply to ensure that you remain aware of the statistics.

At certain points and depending on how far attendance has dipped, or if there are continuing punctuality problems, parents and carers may be asked to come into school for a meeting so that we can explore the best ways to support your child's attendance.

Reporting Absence to the School's Attendance Officer

This can be done by email or phone (or via Edulink).  Edulink messages however often lack sufficient detail.  ‘Cough’ or ‘Cold’ as a single word does not provide sufficient information and this is causing extra work for the school.  Please ensure that you provide as much information as possible, to avoid the need for us to then follow up with you for more information.

Mrs D Cahill, Attendance Officer:  0208 748 7600 x217  

Reporting on every day of absence

Please remember that you must report your daughter's absence on each day that she remains away from school, not just on the first day of an illness.

Unexplained Absence

Our electronic registration system monitors attendance in every lesson to ensure pupils are safe and in school.  If your daughter does not turn up to school and we have not received a message from you, we will try to contact you to find out where she is.  This is a safeguarding matter.  If we are unable to reach you then we will contact your named emergency contact.  Please help us minimise this, by letting us know whenever your daughter is not in school.  If you let us know that your daughter is not in school, but the reason given is insufficient for it to be authorised, we will let you know and hopefully further information can be provided.

Where patterns emerge of unauthorised attendance, the school has a statutory obligation to inform the local authority.  Repeated unauthorised absences may lead to a fixed penalty notice and in extreme cases to prosecution.

Requests for Special Absence During Term Time:

Requests for special absence in term time will not be approved other than in exceptional circumstances.  Any such request should be made as far in advance as possible using the form linked below, which must be submitted to The Attendance Officer, Mrs Cahill.  Please do not mark this form 'for the attention of the Headteacher'.  Mrs Cahill needs to receive the form, and she will then liaise with the headteacher as appropriate.    Special absence request form 

  • All students are expected in school by 8.15am
  • Students will be marked late if they fail to enter school by 8.25am.  This is a full 10 minutes after they were expected in school.
Attendance & Punctuality Thresholds

First Threshold, Initial Targeted Support
93-96% attendance; or
One unauthorised absence over the last half-term.

Up to five late arrivals over a half-term period.


Parent notified by letter from Headteacher.  Form Tutor informal discussion with student to explore whether they have any concerns or issues that could be a barrier to attendance.  Support referrals made if needed

Second Threshold, Enhanced Targeted Support
90% - 93% attendance; or
Further unauthorised absences.

Six or more late arrivals over a half-term period;

Second letter sent to parent from Headteacher.  Meeting with Head of Year. Support to be offered in line with an individual attendance plan, discussed at the meeting.  Attendance checked weekly

Third Threshold, Intensive Support for Persistent Absentees 
Attendance 80-90% (Persistent absentee); or
Continued unauthorised absences despite support offered at previous tiers.

Continued late arrivals despite support offered at previous tiers;

Third letter issued by Headteacher.   Attendance/Punctuality Panel meeting with Pastoral Support Manager/Inclusion Manager, Assistant Headteacher, to review the Attendance Plan and involvement of external agencies. The need for any additional support and referrals identified.  Daily checks on student’s absence and daily phone calls home during periods of absence

Fourth Threshold, Use of Parent Responsibility measures 
Attendance below 80%;
Any of the thresholds for legal action have been met.


Fourth letter notifies parents that a welfare referral is being made to the Educational Welfare Officer at the home local authority.  Further Panel Meeting and borough Attendance Officer invited.  The Educational Welfare Officer at the home local authority notified of the school’s concerns as appropriate.  Parenting contract issued; daily monitoring.