Upper School (KS4)
The Upper School and Key Stage 4 (KS4) begins when students enter Year 10. By then, they are familiar with the every- day routine of the school, as well as the ethos and values the school instils. Their friendship groups have broadened and they have had the opportunity to try a variety of clubs and societies.
Most of their GCSE courses start in Year 10 and culminate in exams at the end of Year 11. The Upper School is a very exciting time for our students. They have their first taste of public exams and they experience a vast array of opportunities. It is a time of change and all about making choices.
Students receive a lot of support and guidance to help choose them decide on what GCSE options to pursue.
Years 10 and 11 gives them the opportunity to study the subjects they enjoy most and will set them on their course for A Levels and further education.
The Upper School also offers the chance for girls not only to continue with their previous clubs and societies, but to try out new ones. There is also the opportunity to school experience international travel to France and beyond.