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Later Restoration Stages

We will proceed to restore the remaining panels in stages, and upon receipt of sufficient funds for Stage 2.  We are aware that restoration of the full 130m will take several years, but we will update these pages as works progress.  

Entrance Corridor - Restoration Cost £12,450

This wall serves almost as a short introduction before the nativity panel begins the story of Jesus' life.  The entrance corridor runs from the chapel to the first (SW) corner of the cloisters. It is made up of three angel panels either side of a copy of Fra Angelico’s The Annunciation (1440-1445).   Of particular interest are the hidden inscriptions, revealed during the condition survey, using ultraviolet light!

Copy of Fra Angelico’s The Annunciation (1440-1445).

Some limited sample area cleaning was carried out at the base of the middle angel, in the 1990s - where the blue is more visible.

Inscription revealed using ultra-violet light.

Inscription revealed using ultra-violet light.

Inscription revealed using ultra-violet light.

East Corridor - Restoration Cost £29,481

After the restored nativity scene, the following nine panels relay the life of Jesus from the arrival of the three Kings, including him being found in the temple aged 11 or 12, up to his triumphant entry to Jerusalem, today celebrated as Palm Sunday.   

The three kings present their gifts.

Presentation in the Temple.

Flight into Egypt.

The Finding in the Temple.

The Baptism of Jesus.

The Sermon on the Mount.

The Transfiguration.

The raising of Lazurus.

Triumphant entry to Jerusalem (Palm Sunday).

North Corridor - Restoration Cost £24,888

The story then continues across a further nine panels from the washing of the feet to Judas' betrayal and Jesus de-robed before cruxification.

The first column.

The second column.

The third column.

The first column.

The second column.

The third column.

The first column.

The second column.

The third column.

West Corridor - Restoration Cost £31,350

The west corridor is adjacent to the Stage 2 double height crucifixion panels and continues the story up to Jesus revealing himself to he disciples and concluding the series with a group of five panels depicting the church in heaven and on earth.

Pieta, Mary holding Jesus after his death.

Placing Jesus in the tomb.


Angel at the tomb tells Mary Magdala that Jesus is not here.

Women at the empty tomb.

Mary Magdala recognises Jesus but he says do not touch me.

The Ascension.

Part of five panels illustrating the church in heaven and on earth.

Part of five panels illustrating the church in heaven and on earth.

Part of five panels illustrating the church in heaven and on earth.

Part of five panels illustrating the church in heaven and on earth.

Part of five panels illustrating the church in heaven and on earth.